Sunday, March 18, 2007

Lazy weekend...

One Voice was cancelled for Friday PM due to the snow storm - we ended up with about 8 inches of snow and then sleet. Saturday was a lazy day around here, so I got some odds and ends caught up. I woke up with a headache today, so came home after church, heated up leftovers for everyone and took a LONG nap. I feel better now.

I am amazed by how many people who scrapbook are believers - I feel connected to them in many ways. As I was scanning a blog today I came across this wonderful slideshow that is a "call to arms" for women. You can look at it HERE, click on the first slide and the show will start, and I hope you enjoy it. Rest well and have a wonderful Monday.


Photopassion said...

Thank you very much for this wonderful link!
I´m not a very strong believer, though I have to admit that the older I get (and the more ill) my believe is getting stronger. A few years ago I really had NO interest to even think about that. But now I think often about "what there could be". And I came to the opinion that there IS a higher power. I guess I will never be a person that´s going to the church - but I began to read spiritual books of alternative healings and thinking about what will come after death - and I´m talking about these things with a very close friend. It´s good to have something to believe in!
I´m on my way to get there - this takes time but I see me there, however this will be, in future. It´s good to see people like you who found it already :))
Big Hugs,