Saturday, June 9, 2007

Happy 28th Anniversary to me...and John

The past few days have been busy. I was sick Thursday PM from something I ate, I think. Friday I left early to go to Special Olympics at UNH with the student I work with at school. It was a LONG day, but he got 3 medals and a ribbon. I got home, got cleaned up and John, Katie and I headed to the High School for the Senior Banquet which was very nice. John is on call this week and got paged, so he left for one call as soon as we got home. Today I had a Prayer Breakfast in the AM and did some work around the house before John and I went out for our 28th anniversary. We had a nice dinner at the 1790 Homestead Restaurant in Conway. We went early because it is Biker Week and all restaurants are packed. I had to laugh when John ordered from the "Early Bird Special" - it just reminded me of how many senior citizens go out to eat for the Early Bird Special. I applaud them for being wise just struck me funny that's all. Below are 3 photos of me and John. MY how we have changed over the years...

Most recent photo of us from Fall 2006

June 9, 2004 I got him to pose for this at Old Orchard Beach, ME
I call it the "North meets South" photo since he is from Rhode Island and I'm from North Carolina

June 9, 1979 we were married in Charlotte, NC by my father


Melberry said...

Joy, thank you for your kind comments about my wordart. I understand completely those "it's a God thing" moments. Happy anniversary to you and your husband.

Kann said...

Happy Anniversary!