Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Not much new here...except it is HOT and HUMID! Thank goodness we have 2 a/c units downstairs! I spent yesterday sorting and rearranging stuff in Hilary's room and a closet - I knew it would be TOO hot up there to do it today. Today I was back at the dentist for work on 2 more baby teeth. Thankfully these were both on top, so it wasn't as long or painful as last week. I have one wisdom tooth they want me to have out - guess I'll have to call about that. I need to begin work organizing, throwing out and rearranging the laundry room, but I haven't been too motivated yet...John made it to PA last night - or I should say 1:30AM today. I haven't talked to him, just got a text message at 1:30AM. There must have been some delay getting his luggage and rental car in Philly because we figured he'd be there by 12:30AM. I'm hoping he'll call later, but more importantly I'm praying that God uses this time to make clear his path...our path for the future. He'll be back Thursday PM. Update: John just called - there was construction outside the Philly airport that held him up for 45 minutes last night. He is living on caffeine right now. The meetings are over for the night so he thought he'd go for a walk and/or swim and then get something to eat. It'll probably be an early night for him to make up for the lack of sleep last night.

Katie is with International Toast in ME at the recording studio for the next three days - leaving around 8 AM and hoping to be back by 8 PM. I was looking at a picture from her graduation party and realized how much she looks like my Dad. He always wore a hat; had a whole shelf of them by the back door, he also had dimples and an infectious smile. In this photo Katie looks like her Grandpa with the hat, dimples and smile.

ALP Sunny Days Quickpage 8 by Anita Designs