Saturday, April 28, 2007

Cleaned the Clutter...

Well, my Spring Break is almost over - I could really use another week. I am glad I went with John to see his folks, but it knocked a big hole in my cleaning and digiscrapping plans. Seasonal clothes have been moved around and the bedroom closet has been cleaned (hooray!). The dining room counter (everyone's favorite collection center) has been cleaned and the computer desk reorganized. Those were the big clutter challenges for the week. The only digiscrapping I got done were the 4 quickpages I posted here (no brainers) and I did get my May calendar created so that we can stay on top of appointments and meetings.

The only excitement of the past few days is that I broke a tooth on a Snickers bar (guess I really shouldn't have eaten it...). I called the dentist's office because I lost 2/3 of the tooth - what is left is mainly filling. They were already closed and won't reopen until Tuesday! Thank goodness it isn't really giving me any pain - just has a jagged edge that keeps rubbing against my tongue. My guess is he'll want to do a crown ($$$); I'm so thankful we have dental insurance!

Well, I finally made some oatmeal raisin cookies for John - poor guy, I've been home all week and haven't baked a thing! The chili is ready, just gotta bake the cornbread and our yummy supper can be consumed. It's rainy here, but I have sunshine in my heart. PS - Katie comes back from Ireland tomorrow! The timer on the oven is calling...have a great night!


Photopassion said...

Sorry for your broken tooth, Joy! I guess it is the truth that eating chocolate isn´t always good *g* (In fact I could eat tons of that myself)
I hope your dentist will fix it soon!
I hope you´re having a great weekend :)

Kann said...

Yummy- Heath would love those cookies!
p.s you've been tagged. Read my blog for more info!

Melanie Holzwarth said...

Joy, I miss you. What's been up? So sorry to hear about your tooth, I hope it's OK. The dinner and cookies sound awesome. Hope to hear from you soon. Will you be able to pop in for NSD Weekend on the MB this weekend?