Thursday, April 26, 2007

Quick Trip...

Thanks to those who have been praying for my friends. Janet and Gloria are out of the hospital. Jamie is now in the same hospital as his father. Virgene is still in critical condition.

John and I took a quick trip to CT Tuesday night to stay with his folks. His Dad's birthday was last week and his folks 51st anniversary is this week. We took Jack a great wind-up LL Bean flashlight - never needs batteries, just a crank. It's his kind of gift. We wanted to take them to lunch on Wednesday for their anniversary. I asked about going to the Droll Yankee Company which is located in Foster, RI - I have one of their birdhouses and they are the best! This is where our adventure began. We had to go to the Foster Police Department to find out where the headquarters was since it wasn't listed in the phone book. Mill Road according to the dispatcher. It was a beautiful drive on Mill Road to an old house with a building out back. The sign on the building said they had moved the corporate headquarters and that Customer Service could be reached at this number...or you could visit one of their local retailers. I called the number which happened to have the same exchange as Jack and Marge. Lo and behold the company had moved the HQ to Danielson, CT; however, the representative told me I could order online or visit the closest retailer which was Plainfield Agway. We left and went to Cozy Corner for lunch. It's a small place that Jack and Marge like. After lunch Jack asked if I still wanted to see the birdhouses; I just said "whatever". He instructed John to drive to Plainfield; that we'd be able to see the new High School (Lindsey and Hilary went to the old one) and then he had John drive us to Agway. Sure enough, they had plenty of birdhouses. John and I looked at and discussed several - Jack and Marge even got in on the looking and discussing. The final decision was to get the battery powered one that sends squirrels for a gentle ride if they try to get on the birdfeeder. Jack thought that was a riot. Imagine their surprise when we told them this birdfeeder was for them as an anniversary gift and early birthday gift for Marge! Jack and John spent time deciding where to put the birdfeeder and then plugged it in to charge. I can't wait to hear about the first squirrel that tries to eat from the feeder. I hope they enjoy their birdwatching as much as I do mine. I plan on buying that same feeder tomorrow at Chick-a-Dee Station when I head to Meredith for One Voice practice.

Anyway, here are a few quickpages of John and his folks and one just of John. I really like quickpages for layouts I want to finish quickly, but still have them look good. I still haven't gotten any more layouts done from the Easter performance...maybe tomorrow if I can finish cleaning up some stuff and doing some paperwork today...If I'd get off the computer that would help LOL!

Quickpage - Miracles (resized) by my precious friend in Germany, ConnyB

Quickpage from Cottage Arts
Handsome face created by Jack and Marge Gallagher and the good Lord


Photopassion said...

Joy, I just read the sad story about your friends now... It´s a tragedy! My thoughts and prayers are with you and their families. I don´t know what I could say... this makes me very sad! {Hugs}
Your LOs turned out very nice! Thank you very much for using my QP and letting me know about it, I always love to see these things in action.

I´m thinking of you, Joy :)