Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Well, we got about 4 inches of heavy wet snow on Sunday. When Kate and I went to bed we fully expected to have a delay (at least) on Monday morning. NO way!!! We went to school in a monsoon. Some staff could not get in because their roads were flooded or closed. At 10:30 AM the principal came on the PA and said we would be dismissed at 11 AM. It was actually 11:30ish when the kids finally got on buses. It was a madhouse because parents had to be contacted etc.etc.etc. Most of the staff stayed around to help until we knew what was being coordinated with the town hall for emergency shelter. 10 people volunteered to stay, so the rest of us could leave. I appreciate those 10 staying. I was willing to help, but needed to check on our house first.

When I had left for school the driveway and front yard were a mess due to snow and heavy rains. When I got home the snow in the front was gone and the front yard looked pretty good - muddy, but not flooded. The basement was OK. The Bearcamp River was still within its banks, but high. I checked the river again at 2 PM and still OK. I checked at 3:30 PM and the river was in our backyard. By 4:30 PM I had a pair of mallards swimming around the tree in our backyard. The sump pump has been running, so there is only a trickle of water in the basement right now. I got a call at 5:30 AM - NO SCHOOL TODAY! I am told that all dirtroads in Ossipee are closed and many other roads are washed away. We'll see if there is school tomorrow. It is still raining - sometimes sleeting - on and off and will be that way through at least tomorrow AM. I took the pictures below before I made a quick trip to Conway to get things for Kate for her trip to Ireland on Thursday. Right now the river is about 6 feet from our back deck - that's where I took the pictures from. The red circle on one is where there is a white trashcan tied to a tree. That is where the river bank usually is. I did not use the zoom on the photos. We have power and really have it good compared to many in the community. Enjoy the wet photos.