Thursday, May 31, 2007

National Choral Scholar...

Not much to post except that tonight was Awards Night and Kate received the NATIONAL CHORAL SCHOLAR AWARD!! Way to go Katie! Hilary is recovering from her trip to Italy. She leaves tomorrow for NC and a week of training before she heads to VA to work at Camp ACCOVAC for the summer. So much for time with her...2 days here and 2 days there... Below are a few pictures of Hil in Italy. If you are a facebook user you can find almost ALL of her pictures there. EnJOY!

At the Palatine Hills
In Rome - the Colloseum in the background
The Colloseum at night

She said there were lemon trees everywhere and she couldn't stop singing the song...
"Lemon tree, very pretty...."

The mouth of Truth - if it bites you, you are a liar, if it does not you are honest...

THIS IS MY FAVORITE at Ponte Vecchio