Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not Much New...

Katie sang in her final High School Music Concert on Saturday night. She and 2 other girls were the trio for "Mr. Postman". John used Kate's camera to video it; however, it it 233MB and photobucket and youtube will only take 100MB max. When Hilary gets back from Italy I'm gonna have her shrink it so that I can put it on here! I have photos, but haven't uploaded them yet. Maybe tomorrow.

My Mom has been trying to catch her dog, Toby, for a week and a half! He'd been abused, so finding love is a new thing for him. Funny thing was he'd hang around, just not come to her. Someone from the humane society helped her catch him today. Last week she had decided to give him back if she ever caught him. John said she'd never do it because she is a stubborn as Toby and figures eventually she'll conquer him - at this point I think he has conquered her...;0). I keep praying that this dog responds quickly for Mom - he'd be a good copmpanion, but I don't want him stressing her out like he has done for the last 10 days.

Thursday I go on a Whale Watch with all three 5th grades. This should be interesting. I plan to take pictures - especially for my friend ConnyB who lives in Germany and LOVES animals! I have never gotten seasick, but I bought a seaband and some meclazine today, just in case...would not be fun with 60 people on a boat!

The weather has been gorgeous so I am loving that. Have a great night!