Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sweet Surprises and God's Scrapbook...

I am so enjoying being in North Carolina and being with family. This will always be home. I have made one trip to the HUGE Christian bookstore...4 cds and 1 book when I left ;o). John was supposed to arrive late on wondeful DH surprised me be coming in Thursday PM; it was so good to see him! It was a sweet, wonderful surprise!

DH has read the book IN A PIT WITH A LION ON A SNOWY DAY at least two times this year. He asked that I read it before he came down. Don't let the title or subtitle "How to survive and thrive when opportunity roars" throw you - it is a great book about experiencing life. I have a feeling I'll be posting about some of the great quotes and life lessons it shares. Anyway, in one section the author talked about God having a scrapbook of your life...Hmmm...I am a scrapper...a digiscrapper - wonder what kind God is ;0). I mean I've heard people say, "If God has a refrigerator your picture is on it..." as cutesie as that is the scrapbook analogy stuck with me...soooo... I did a scrapbook page of what I thought God might have on my life right now. I believe HE is proud of me and I know that HE knows the struggles of my heart and soul right now and that HE does know what my future holds, even if I feel clueless. More from the "Lion" tomorrow.

Credits: Kit from Life's A Journey by CafeDigi