Monday, October 8, 2007

Long time no post...

My LATE night One Voice meeting last Monday (done at 11:30 PM and was in bed after midnight) seemed to wipe me out for the week. I was dragging! School went well last week. I made a banana cake for the staff on Wednesday and an Ice Cream Sandwich Cake for one of my 5th grade classes who had earned a game afternoon for filling their "Caught Red Handed" bulletin board for doing kind things to others. Since it was 80+ degrees on Thursday and Friday it was great! I found out Thursday night that John's folks were coming for the weekend, so I went into overdrive with cleaning etc. and made an apple coffeecake with Splenda for John's dad. I had presence of mind to bake meatballs Thursday night and put them in the crockpot with sauce for supper Friday. Hilary got home about 4 PM for the weekend and John's folks arrived about 5:30PM. It was nice to have them all here.

Saturday was Sandwich Fair day - no not a fair of sandwiches, but a fair in the town of Sandwich - it is my favorite fair. Hilary's idea of the fair is eating your way through the fair...We got there about noon and after checking out all the agricultural stuff did begin eating our way around. Blooming onions, fried dough, italian sausage with peppers and onions, chicken tenders, buffalo sausage, lobster roll, lemonade and strawberry shortcake were enjoyed by the 5 of us as well as LOTS of water - it was 85 degrees and full sun there! We were surprised to run into friends from ME, MA and NC while at the fair - all family members who were having a weekend together at Alton Bay. After 4+ hours we had worn John's folks out so headed to the house - no one was hungry for supper...

Sunday we went out to eat with John's folks after church and then they headed back to CT. John, Hilary and I braved the roads battling tourists to get to Conway so Hilary could check out a few cameras at Spectrum Photo. Later that night we went to Chocorua where John's youngest brother and his family and his wife's family were renting a house for the weekend. It was good to see them for a little bit.

Today John had to work, but Hilary and I got to sleep in. She left for MA after lunch; however, ended up changing her route due to the HIGH volume of traffic. I have begun the seasonal clothes change process since it is only about 55 degrees outside right now. I think I need something other than capris and sandals.

I realized how important family and relationships are to me as I visited with John's brother and his family (I love my sister in law, Terry) and her family who have always adopted me. I realized how miuch God blessed me with friends - no family - in the Helms Gang in NC. I've talked to Mary Elizabeth three times this week since 2 "family" members have had surgery and one is battling cancer. God has blessed me with all these folks in my life - I just wish I could see them more often than I do. These things also made me realize how much I miss having those kinds of relationships here...maybe someday God will bless me with those kinds of friends where I am living...

Off to finish laundry and maybe digiscrapping and maybe redo the blog much for the doldrums of life...

Later that day...Got a header thrown together - not exactly what I wanted, but better than what was there. I have to get a website from Hilary that has more tempates. Night!


Kann said...

Love the new layout! My new camera is a Canon Powershot S5 IS. I love it!!!! Windham is only about 1 hour to 45 mintues from me!