Tuesday, October 2, 2007


We had a busy weekend and the week is starting off that way as well. I woke up Friday AM with a horrible headache - took some meds and went to school. I ended up taking a few more doses during the day, but it never went away. By the time I got home I just went to bed. John, on the other hand, went surf fishing with Mark at Hampton Beach - I'm glad he got to go. Saturday was a "get over the medicine buzz" morning and then a One Voice retreat from 10 AM-4PM in Meredith. John was there too. Sunday was church and then after lunch John and I took a drive back to Meredith to wander the craft show (his idea) and the shops. It was a BEAUTIFUL day! We left Meredith and drove to Alton to visit with our friends Bryce and Barb. We had a great time and Bryce had fun quizzing us with "New England Trivia" from Trivial Pursuit. I didn't do too bad, but not great. John does not like word games, but got the Tall Ships in Newport, RI question right...Monday was back to school (no headache though). After school I made a BIG salad, 2 batches of cookies (one with Splenda) and headed to Meredith (again) for a One Voice production team meeting...6:30 PM - 11:30 PM!!! I cannot do that on a Monday! It was midnight when I got home and later when to bed...hit the snooze alarm MANY times this morning.

Today was a great day at school. I love my job. I was a little dragging afterwards so made my way to my favorite coffee shop - The Moose is Loose - and had a wonderful raspberry iced coffee. It did the pick me up thing and I cooked supper, made a banana cake for school and tried a new healthy apple coffee cake recipe. The texture is different, but it is good - John likes it too. We start 3 weeks of NECAP testing tomorrow. It is exhausting for the kids; thankfully it is only an hour or two a day. Tomorrow night we have a Quarterly Business Meeting at church. Nothing earth shattering there, but I am curious as to where the church finances are right now...

Hope you've had a good start to your week...TTFN!